Questions? We are here to help.
Please read the following FAQs and if you still need help, please email us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

**How does it work?**

Fund Dreamer makes it incredibly easy to raise money online for the things that matter to you most. In less than a minute, you’ll be able to personalize your fundraising dream-campaign and share it with the people in your life. In fact, millions can be raised by users just like you. With Fund Dreamer, the money you collect goes directly to you. There are no deadlines or limits – each donation you receive is yours to keep. Raising money for yourself or a loved one has never been easier.

**What can I raise money for?**

Most people use Fund Dreamer to raise money for themselves, a friend or loved one during life’s important moments. This includes things like a song, art, movie creations, medical expenses, education costs, volunteer programs, youth sports, funerals & memorials – even animals & pets and simply your Dream! That said, we’re always amazed at all the unique ways people use Fund Dreamer to raise money online. The possibilities are endless!

**What are the fees paid by the contributors?**

Contributors pays standard credit card / paypal fees – 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction. In addition, our standard platform fees is 5%.

**Is it safe?**

Your Fund Dreamer donation page features the very best in secure payment encryption technology. Not only are your donors’ online payments safe, your money is stored securely until you’re ready to request a withdrawal via check or electronic bank transfer.

**Who are you guys and why should I trust this site?**

Fund Dreamer is based in Los Angeles, California USA and is regularly recognized for its ease-of-use and rapid customer service response times. We are 100% dedicated to helping ensure that our users have a delightful experience raising money online. [Learn more about us](http://www.funddreamer.com/about-us)

**How do I get my money?**

Once your fundraising campaign begins receiving online donations, you can easily request a withdrawal at any time. Don’t worry, withdrawing money does not affect the progress-meter that’s displayed on your Fund Dreamer campaign. Complete the sections on your campaign with the payment information and email [email protected] for a withdrawal request.

**How long do withdrawals take?**

Most withdrawals take between 5 and 7 business days. You can choose between an electronic bank transfer, paypal or paper check delivery during the withdrawal process.

**Can I raise money for a friend?**

Of course. In fact, most Fund Dreamer campaigns are managed by a friend or loved-one
on behalf of the recipient. You can easily request a check in your friend or family-member’s name during the withdrawal process.

**Does it cost anything?**

While it’s free to create and share your online fundraising campaign, Fund Dreamer will deduct a fee (based on your plan) from each donation that you receive. Since our fee is deducted automatically, you’ll never need to worry about being billed or owing us any money. We also do not charge any processing fees. Credit card companies or Paypal may charge up to 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction as their processing fees. Please see [Pricing & Fees](http://www.FundDreamer.com/our-services) for additional information.

**Do my donors get charged?**

Yes, instead of charging the platform and credit card fees to you, we charge donors standard operating fees. Our standard platform fee is 5% and credit card companies charges 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction. Please see [Pricing & Fees](http://www.FundDreamer.com/our-services) for additional information.

**Are there any time limits?**

Nope. Your campaign can be anywhere from 1 to 90 days on Fund Dreamer. The most successful campaigns run an average of 38 to 46 days .Your campaign will remain live until you choose to stop donations or remove the page altogether. You can also run a never ending campaign that promotes your ongoing social cause / mission. Sign-Up.

**What if I don’t reach my goal?**

No problem. With Fund Dreamer, you keep each and every donation you receive. Reaching your goal is not required.

**How will I know if someone donates?**

You’ll receive an email notification each time a donation is made to your Fund Dreamer campaign.

**Do I have to use my real name?**

Yes. Fund Dreamer is a site that rewards authenticity and transparency. However, you may choose to hide your campaign from being listed on Fund Dreamer during the Sign-Up process.

**Can I keep my campaign private?**

While you can choose to hide your campaign from appearing in the Fund Dreamer directory, anyone who has your Fund Dreamer link will be able to access your campaign. There’s no way to keep your campaign 100% private.

**Who will donate to my campaign?**

Your campaign will be supported by the people in your life. This includes friends, family members, loved ones, coworkers, classmates and teammates. Only after your campaign receives the support of the people you personally know can it begin to attract the support of others.

**What if I’m not comfortable sharing this with friends & family?**

Sharing your campaign with friends and family is a part of what makes Fund Dreamer work so well. Not only will the people in your life support your campaign, but they will also help spread the word to their friends as well. Fund Dreamer users should not expect to receive support from strangers.

**Do I have to use my Facebook account?**

Although optional, connecting your account to Facebook is highly recommended and makes sharing your campaign with others incredibly easy. A valid Facebook account is required for all campaigns that wish to appear within Fund Dreamer’s directory listings. Don’t worry, we’ll never post anything to your Facebook account unless you say so.

***Receiving Donations***

**Is my country supported?**

Supported countries and currencies include: United States of America ($USD), United Kingdom (£GBP), Canada ($CAD), Australia ($AUD), and European Union countries that use the Euro as their official currency (€EUR).

**Can donors in other countries donate to my campaign?**

Yes, your Fund Dreamer campaign is able to accept payments from donors around the world.

**Can people donate from their phones?**

You bet. The mobile version of your Fund Dreamer campaign will load for those visiting your page from their phones. Your campaign still looks great and it’s very easy for donors to complete their payment from their mobile device.

**We raised money offline, can it be listed on our campaign?**

Yes. Simply click the ‘Add Donation’ link inside of your Fund Dreamer dashboard to add money you received offline to your campaign total. No payment is actually made and the donation will be marked as an ‘Offline Donation’ on your fundraising page.

**Can donors give privately?**

Of course. Donors can simply check a box to keep their donation hidden from public view. However, the organizer of a campaign will always know who the donor is.

**Can people give on a monthly basis?**

Absolutely. The option to give on a monthly basis is available for all US-based campaigns. Monthly donation are also available for those using Fund Dreamer’s feature.

**What about taxes and stuff?**

Unfortunately, we’re unable to provide specific tax advice since everyone’s situation is different. While this is no means a guarantee, most donations on Fund Dreamer are simply considered to be ‘personal gifts’ which are not taxed as income in the US. Additionally, only donations made to a legally registered non-profit or charity may be considered eligible for donors to claim as a tax deduction. Again, every situation is different so please consult with a tax professional in your area.

***Running a Successful Campaign***

**What’s the secret to a successful campaign?**

If you’re raising money for something that you strongly believe in, chances are that the people in your life will be eager to support you. Fund Dreamer gives you the easy-to-use features to share your story with your family, friends, loved ones and community. Every campaign organizer should connect their Facebook account, use a high-quality campaign photo or video and clearly explain why they’re raising money. Sharing your campaign on Facebook is the single most important thing you can do. For more tips, along with how-to videos, please visit: Steps to a Successful Campaign

**Can I raise money for anything?**

Almost. As always, common sense goes a long way here. DO raise money for personal causes that are purposeful, exciting and inspiring to others. DON’T break any local laws, expect strangers to buy you stuff or promote inappropriate content. When in doubt, browse our categories of thousands of successful campaigns to see how others use Fund Dreamer. Also check our detailed [Anti-Money Laundering Policies](https://1ce29b2ccbf560070816-b1e0f0f230497a8820b57430d1418af5.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/1404357285_fund_dreamer_-_anti_money_laundering_policy.pdf)

**How can I share my campaign?**

Every Fund Dreamer campaign is given a unique link that’s easy to share with others (you can even customize this link). Sharing your fundraising campaign is easy using Fund Dreamer’s built-in features like email invitations and Facebook posting.

**Will Fund Dreamer help me get media coverage?**

The best way to get into the spotlight is to pursue your own local media first. The good news is that your local newspaper and TV news stations are starving for interesting stories like yours. Once your campaign begins to really pick up steam, our team may contact you.

**What are ‘Update’ messages?**

Fund Dreamer’s ‘Update’ feature is a great way to add fresh information to your campaign. In doing so, you can choose to share the post with your current supporters – you can even share the Update on Facebook to attract more donors. Update messages can also include up to photo or video.

**How do I send thank-you notes?**

While signed in to your Fund Dreamer account, simply select a recent donation and click the ‘Send Thank You’ button. You’ll be able to personalize the message and send it to the donor’s email address.

***Other Common Questions***

**When will I appear in Fund Dreamer’s search results?**

While your Fund Dreamer page will be live and ready to accept donations immediately, your page must be manually approved by the Fund Dreamer Team prior to appearing in our public search directory.
To help protect donors and to prevent any misuse, Fund Dreamer requires that you meet the following criteria before being listed in the Search Directory. NOTE: Pages that don’t meet these criteria WILL remain live & fully functioning, but will not be publicly listed on Fund Dreamer.com
a) Valid and authentic Facebook account must be connected to your Fund Dreamer page.
Facebook accounts that seem to be purposely anonymous will not be accepted (e.g., no photo or unusually low amount of friends). TIP: You can ‘refresh’ your Facebook info at any time by visiting ‘My Account’ and clicking the ‘Refresh My Facebook Info’ link.
b) Your page must include a photo or video. Clip art, graphics and logos won’t be approved.
c) Ensure your page is eligible to be listed in the Search Directory. To ensure your page is set to display publicly on Fund Dreamer, please follow the steps below:
1. Sign In to Fund Dreamer: Login
2. Click the ‘Edit’ tab.
3. Click the ‘Settings’ item in the left menu.
4. Locate the ‘Show in Search’ row and click ‘Yes’.
5. Click the ‘Save’ button.
Your page will be manually reviewed by a member of the Fund Dreamer Team. Since your page is not made available for review until the above criteria is met, it may take up to 12 hours for your page to get approved.

**Where do I choose which category I want to appear in?**

The Fund Dreamer Team manually reviews each and every campaign that is created. Those campaigns that qualify to appear in our directory listings will be categorized by a member of our team.

**How do I know it’s safe to donate to someone?**

With such a large volume of campaigns, it’s not feasible for Fund Dreamer to investigate the claims stated by each campaign organizer. Rather, we provide visitors with the tools to make an informed decision as to who they choose to support. While Fund Dreamer and its payment partners do provide a number of safeguards to deter fraud, we must insist that visitors follow the advice stated on each and every campaign. Only donate to people you personally know & trust. For more information, please visit: Privacy and Terms

**Do I have to be a non-profit to use this?**

Not at all! Anyone can raise money online using Fund Dreamer’s personalized fundraising campaigns. Our users often raise money for themselves or for friends they want to help out. Fund Dreamer was designed to allow everyday people to do wonderful things with the money they raise online. That said, many non-profits do use Fund Dreamer because it’s such a great way to raise money online. Fund Dreamer users can also raise money for their favorite charity.